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Language Arts

三年级的语言艺术课程侧重于加强以前学过的技能. Students will continue to develop oral and silent reading skills, comprehension, predicting, vocabulary fluency, 并通过对各种儿童文学作品的运用进行推理. Grammar lessons including punctuation, capitalization, editing, and parts of speech are part of daily instruction. Spelling lists are distributed each week. Cursive writing is introduced this year.

三年级的写作从bet365中文探索学生过去喜欢的各种体裁开始,包括个人叙事和小说. 学生关注任何故事的三个要素:人物、背景和情节. Students will analyze and learn to identify techniques authors use; question why they are important and make a conclusion about what they are reading. 作者的写作技巧的发展将从将从作者的风格中学到的技巧融入到自己的写作中开始. 今年的主题句加强了适当段落的构成, supporting details and concluding sentence.

Mathematics (Kindergarten - Grade 4)

Our students learn to see math in everyday life, searching for patterns, mathematical processes, and numbers in the world around them. 在所有年级,学生都知道数学不是一个孤立的学科,并认识到所有其他课程之间的联系.

学生开始用具体的材料bet365中文探索数字和数学概念, progress to pictorial representations, and finally, reason abstractly with symbols. 我们的课程以鼓励使用各种操作材料的方式组织, age-appropriate technology, 并通过游戏让学生构建自己对关键数学概念的理解. Through flexible grouping and differentiated instruction, 我们确保每个孩子在全球顶尖体育投注平台,尽享豪礼数学课上既感到有能力又感到有挑战. 学生和老师认识到,持久的学习需要时间和实践,但要共同努力,有效地掌握基本的数字事实,为中学数学和以后的成功做好准备.


In third grade, 学生加深对乘法和除法的理解,因为这两个数学属性之间的关系通过分组在概念上得到加强, arrays, repeated addition, and skip counting. Expanding on tens and hundreds, 通过熟悉的数学过程介绍了四位数(千位). Money skills help to strengthen fraction study, 当学生开始理解小数是分数的进一步表示时. Students learn to use standard units of measure for temperature, length, liquid volume, 在解决涉及测量和估计的问题时. 学生在识别形状和线段的属性的同时,对几何有更广泛的理解,并通过识别加法和减法表达式和方程中缺失的数字来培养他们的代数意识. Additionally, 学生学习解决涉及四种运算的问题,并解释数学模式. Studying geometric measurement, 学生将学习识别周长作为平面图形的属性,并在学习用形状及其属性进行推理时区分线性测量和面积测量.


三年级的科学侧重于对生命科学和地球科学的更深入的研究,以及对物理科学的研究. Some units that will be covered are Fossils/Animal Hereditary, Plant Life Cycle/Hereditary, Weather and Climate as well as Forces and Motion. 培养学生对动物及其生存环境如何随时间变化的理解. Fossils provide a window into the animals and habitats of the past. 分析动物的特征bet365中文提供了这些特征如何变化的证据, how they are inherited, and how they have changed over time. 学生还将研究环境如何影响遗传特征,并决定哪些动物将在特定环境中生存. 在植物生命周期单元中,学生通过bet365中文探索授粉和结果的过程来了解植物是如何繁殖的. 他们还研究了植物性状是如何从亲本植物遗传的,以及人类如何通过人工选择来增强有利的植物性状. In the Weather unit, 学生通过仔细观察云和风来调查和预测天气. 他们将学习区分天气和气候,并使用模型来揭示全球气候模式. 最后在力/运动单元,学生bet365中文探索他们周围的力. They investigate the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces, 桥梁结构的推拉和摩擦的影响.


Social Studies

三年级的学生在学习移民的同时继续bet365中文探索纽约. 他们通过非虚构和历史小说获得了很多关于移民的知识. 学生们了解为什么人们想离开他们的祖国(推动因素)和为什么他们选择来美国(拉动因素)。. 学生将选择一个他们家庭移民的国家作为一个研究项目提交给班级.

这门课充满了创造力和戏剧性,因为他们接受了移民的生活和经历. What would a journey by steamship across the ocean entail? How were inspections conducted at Ellis Island? Were their lives in New York City all they dreamed they would be? As a part of our interdisciplinary work, 学生将写日志描述在轮船上的航行, passing through inspection at Ellis Island, and life in Lower Manhattan as a new immigrant. Students will use all they have learned, through texts and field trip experiences, to write a realistic story, rich in historical facts.


三年级的学生将继续他们的基础音乐理论之旅,除了在手铃上表演. A handbell choir uses the same chromatic scale that a piano uses, but this is very much an ensemble instrument than a solo one. 手铃唱诗班要求每个乐手负责一行音乐, 使结果听起来像一种乐器由许多乐器演奏. 学生们将学习阅读这些音乐,并一起作为一个合奏, practicing steady tempo, dynamic levels, and performance techniques.